4-8 large cloves of garlic, minced or rough chopped
20-30 dried red bird's eye chilis (1/4-1/2 cup), rough chopped
1 cup peanut oil
2 tbsp sesame oil
Add the first 3 ingredients to a saucepan and turn on to medium low heat. After 3-5 minutes, garlic and chilis will start to bubble and sizzle. If temperature is correct, it should continue in this "simmer" for 5 minutes, until garlic just barely begins to brown. Turn off heat and let sit for 15-30 minutes for oil to cool and flavors to mature and spread through oil.
Add sesame oil to measuring cup (same one I used to measure the 1 cup peanut oil).
Use fine mesh sieve to pour contents of saucepan back into measuring cup, filtering out all the chopped ingredients, leaving you with a cup of golden brown oil.
Pour into a squirt bottle and cap.
Use on plain white rice, as a spicy oil for sauteing veggies or meats, or even use for a spicy salad vinaigrette.
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